Why You Should Choose SQA as a Profession?

Why You Should Choose SQA as a Profession?

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is the process of evaluating the quality of a software product or service. It involves verifying that the software meets the specified requirements and is fit for its intended purpose. SQA involves a wide range of activities, including testing, code review, inspection, and integration. The Quality Assurance profession revolves around making sure that the software is reliable, efficient, and easy to use. It is an important part of the software development process, as it helps identify and resolve issues early on, which can save time and resources in the long run.

Today, let’s get an overview of what is a quality assurance specialist, what are some of the roles and responsibilities of a software quality assurance specialist, career paths for quality assurance, is SQA a good career, what software quality assurance challenges there are, and more! 


Roles & Responsibilities as an SQA Engineer

An SQA engineer is responsible for ensuring the quality of a software product or service. Some specific roles of software quality assurance engineer may include:

what is a quality assurance specialist, roles and responsibilities of quality assurance profession

  • Developing and implementing test plans, cases, and scripts to ensure that the software meets its specified requirements.
  • Reviewing requirements and specifications to ensure that they are complete and correct.
  • Designing and executing manual and automated tests to validate the functionality and performance of the software.
  • Identifying, reporting, and tracking defects in the software.


Besides this, quality assurance engineer work encompasses:

  • Collaborating with developers and other stakeholders to resolve defects and improve the overall quality of the software.
  • Participating in code reviews to identify issues and suggest improvements.
  • Providing input and recommendations to improve the software development process.
  • Maintaining documentation of test results and defects.


Reasons to choose SQA as Profession

You may wonder, “Is software quality assurance a good career?” 

Well, taking the Software Quality Assurance career path is wise because it offers a high demand in the job market. There are also a variety of career paths for quality assurance through roles and opportunities that help deliver impactful work and continuous learning. Additionally, the field is constantly evolving, providing opportunities for professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry. Some of the reasons why one might choose the software quality assurance engineer career path are stated below:

what is a quality assurance specialist, reasons to choose quality assurance profession

Career growth and advancement opportunities: As the demand for high-quality software continues to grow, there is a need for skilled SQA professionals who can help ensure that software meets its specified requirements and is fit for its intended purpose. As a result, career paths for quality assurance are on the rise while many opportunities help you advance within the field of SQA.


A chance to make a difference: A major part of what do software quality assurance engineers do is keeing the quality of software products and services on a pedestal. This ensures the success of an organization as well as the clients. SQA professionals help identify and resolve issues that can impact the user experience and the overall performance of the software.


It’s in demand: The software quality assurance career path is what you choose if you desire steady growth and a high paid profession. There will always be a need for software testers, and top employers will make every effort to hire you. Additionally, there will always be opportunities for you to advance in your career and take on managerial responsibilities.


A diverse and dynamic work environment: SQA professionals often work on a variety of projects and technologies, which can make for a dynamic and exciting work environment. Software testing is necessary for almost every industry that uses software. Testers are used in a variety of businesses and occupations, from banking to retail. There are various pathways available, including manual testing, performance testing, and automated testing.


Opportunities to learn and stay up to date: The field of SQA is constantly evolving, so answering the question about what job does a software quality assurance engineer perform can have many responses. SQA professionals must stay up to date with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices. This can provide opportunities to learn and grow as a professional.


The quality assurance profession allows you to work on a wide range of projects and technologies, which can be challenging and rewarding. For example, SQA experts may work on large enterprise systems, web applications, mobile apps, or embedded software, to name just a few. This variety can keep the work interesting and allow SQA professionals to develop a diverse set of skills. 


Why I chose to be an SQA Engineer 

All said and done, is SQA a good career choice? I can only speak from experience!

I was always interested in the software development life cycle and how software was delivered while maintaining quality during my graduate studies. Finding bugs was something I was naturally good at. I did additional research on software quality assurance approaches and processes after completing my degree. At that point, I was captivated and decided to pursue a career in SQA. 

My software QA career path began with an SQA internship at a software development firm. I learned the fundamentals of SQA, software development methodologies, manual testing fundamentals, API testing fundamentals, test documentation fundamentals, etc. Throughout my three-month internship, I worked on test plan documents, test cases for different projects, bug reports etc. And as I worked on all of this, I was much more motivated to focus on a career in SQA. 

I joined SJ Innovation LLC as a junior SQA engineer after gaining some experience. It has been a wonderful experience for me thus far. I want to become an expert in manual testing before I explore the world of automation testing. And I think my job will help me develop the abilities I need to succeed as an SQA Engineer by encouraging me to work toward my objectives. So, if you ask me “is quality assurance a good career?”, I would say, yes and I am only eager to know what else is in store! 


Opportunities for Freshers in the Field of SQA

The field of SQA offers a range of opportunities for fresh graduates to start their careers and grow in the field. With the increasing demand for software and the importance of software quality, the field is expected to continue to grow in the future, opening up many software quality assurance jobs and opportunities. There are many avenues for freshers to build a career in SQA. Some specific ways that freshers can get started in this field include:

what is a quality assurance specialist, career path of quality assurance profession

Pursue a degree or certification in a related field: First, understand what is the role of a software quality assurance engineer and then proceed. Many SQA professionals have a degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. Obtaining a degree or certification can help freshers develop the necessary technical skills and knowledge to succeed in this field. 


Learn about different testing tools and technologies: There are many different tools and technologies used in SQA, such as testing frameworks, automation tools, and bug-tracking systems. Being part of the quality assurance profession means freshers need to learn about these tools and technologies to gain a better understanding of how SQA works and how to apply it in practice. 


Get hands-on experience: One of the best ways to learn about what is a quality assurance specialist is to get hands-on experience. Freshers can start by participating in online courses, internships, or freelancing to gain practical skills and knowledge.


Build a portfolio: Building a portfolio of projects and accomplishments can help freshers showcase their skills and capabilities to potential employers. This can include projects completed as part of a degree program, internships, or side projects.


Network and seek mentorship: Building relationships with professionals in the field can be a valuable way to learn about opportunities and to get guidance and advice on building a career in SQA. Freshers can seek out mentorship from experienced professionals or join professional organizations or communities to connect with others in the field. 


Probable challenges as an SQA professional

Almost all career paths are challenging, and Software Quality Assurance is no exception. We must be aware of the difficulties and what are the key challenges of software testing we might encounter in order to go beyond the obstacles in our SQA careers. Software Quality Assurance is a specialized skill. Not everyone can test. Most testers start in a related profession and are drawn to the role, but it demands in-depth knowledge of UI/UX design and development patterns and procedures, analytical, and communication skills. Testing isn't for everyone, but those that do will find themselves enjoying it. There are several challenges that SQA professionals may face in their careers:


Keeping up with the fast-paced nature of software development: The field of software development is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial for SQA professionals to know how to improve QA skills. They must stay up to date with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices. This can be a challenge, as it requires ongoing learning and adaptation to keep pace with the rapid changes in the field.


Managing competing priorities: SQA professionals may be responsible for a variety of tasks, including developing and executing test plans, tracking defects, collaborating with developers, and more. Managing these competing priorities can be challenging, as it requires effective time management and organization skills.


Working with tight deadlines: SQA professionals may face tight deadlines, which is one of the biggest software quality assurance challenges. This is particularly true in agile development environments where new features or enhancements are delivered in short iterations. Meeting these deadlines can be a challenge, as it requires careful planning and coordination with other team members.


Managing changing requirements: Requirements for software projects can change frequently, and SQA professionals must be able to adapt to these changes and adjust their test plans accordingly. This can be challenging in the quality assurance profession, as it requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to new situations.


Ensuring the quality of complex software systems: Ensuring the quality of complex software systems can be challenging, as it requires a deep understanding of how the system works and how it interacts with other systems. It also requires the ability to think critically and to identify potential issues that may not be immediately obvious.



In conclusion, a career in Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is an excellent option for those interested in technology and quality assurance. The field of SQA is in high demand, and as software becomes increasingly important in all industries, the need for SQA professionals will continue to grow. The field offers a variety of roles, opportunities for career growth, and impactful work, ensuring that professionals can specialize in a specific area or explore different areas of the field. Additionally, SQA professionals play a critical role in ensuring the software meets its intended requirements and is free from defects, which is important for protecting the interests of the end users and the company. We hope by now you’ve got a fair idea about what is a quality assurance specialist. 

All in all, pursuing a career in SQA will not only provide job security, but also opportunities for continuous learning, professional development and growth, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on products and services used by people.


Looking to enhance the quality of your software products? Check out SJ Innovation's Quality Assurance & UAT service page for reliable and effective solutions.

Fairooz Afnad
Fairooz Afnad
Jr. SQA Engineer
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