
Knowledge sharing had always been our goal.

Explore the unique thoughts and experiences straight from the minds of our think tanks.

Sanjeet Kanekar
Journey From Seminar To Webinar

The well known proverbial phrase “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”, means to encourage optimism and positive attitude during a time of adversity or misfortune. This phrase defines my journey accurately.

Abhishek Naik
Lessons Learned From Taking AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing solution from Amazon offered to enterprises and government agencies globally.

Shahed Islam
Create a Marketing Team For Your Software Development Agency in 3 Steps

No matter what type of company you are running, marketing is very important. When a software development company is growing, one of the main questions asked is, "How do we maintain our marketing team?"