
Knowledge sharing had always been our goal.

Explore the unique thoughts and experiences straight from the minds of our think tanks.

Jayson Rodrigues
How to report bug efficiently & effectively

The challenging task for a software tester is not only to find the bug but to investigate thoroughly and also report it effectively.

Suallen Borges
How can you do effective testing in less time?


Many a times it happens that the project budget is limited. Your product owner is not ready to add more budget, but is expecting quality work. As a tester, how will you manage to test the entire site within a limited time?

Milton Pereira
Succeeding Through Imperfection

I was an advocate of perfection wanted everything to be perfect and as team lead on the QA team in the SJ Innovation LLC along with ex- colleague (Lavina Faria) one fine day we decide entire QA team should be doing automation, how difficult would it be?